VALENTINE’S DAY 2023To celebrate Valentine’s Day this year, Armani/Dolci by Guido Gobino is offering a heart-shaped chocolate and an ‘A’ logo praline in two limited-edition flavours: white chocolate flavoured with yuzu and vanilla, and 63% dark chocolate flavoured with cardamom. The chocolates and pralines are presented in round tins and the usual square boxes of 4 or 9 pieces, in an assortment that sees them combined with liquorice dark chocolate pralines, salted gianduja pralines, and strawberry dark chocolate pralines. Creativity makes a bold statement on the tin box packaging and the paper in which the square boxes are wrapped. Inspired by the Armani/Casa decorative motif, lacquer-red geometric lines run across a delicate greige background, abstractly evoking traditional elements of Japanese aesthetics and architecture. |